New Year, New Skin
Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions yet? Don’t worry. It’s not too late.
We all know the common New Year’s Resolutions, they usually involve your health, fitness, weight, finances and career, right? Well, what about your skin? Whilst some of these resolutions may directly impact your skin, your skin deserves a bit of love and attention too. With that in mind, I’ve compiled a few New Year’s Resolutions for your skin.
Read on to see if you’d like to add them to your resolution list.
Skin Resolution Number 1: Double cleanse
Still not double cleansing? It might be about time you start (at night at least).
Why? Because most of us have been wearing makeup or at the very least, been out in the ‘thick of it’ all day. So, the first cleanse is to remove your makeup and any excess oil, sunblock, grease, grime and free radicals and the second cleanse is to really clean your skin, soften it and balance it. Particularly, when using cleansers with active ingredients, clean skin is a must in order to get the best results.
Find out more about the importance of cleansing and how you can make this new year’s resolution come true here.
Skin Resolution Number 2: Add a face serum to your routine
We recently talked about boosting winter skin with serums, but for something to really work effectively, it’s best to use it all year round.
A serum is a skincare product with a gel or light lotion consistency that contains a high concentration of performance ingredients. You should use a serum under your moisturiser morning and night.
Two serums we recommend for increased hydration, protection and ‘plumping of the skin’ are:
Both these serums have macro and micro Hyaluronic acid and the natural blend of extracts for optimal effect.
Skin Resolution Number 3: Use a mask every week
Not only is this resolution good for your skin, it’s good for your soul too! Treat your skin to a mask once or twice a week - this has huge benefits for your skin.
Do a cleanse, exfoliate and then put on a mask – what a lovely, relaxing way to give yourself some time out. Read your favourite magazine or watch that TV show you’ve been dying to see. Better yet why not put your mask on while you’re in the bath?
Don’t own any face masks yet? Why not try one of these?
The [comfort zone] Sublime Skin Lift Mask can be left on while you sleep (no excuses about time then) to give your skin that extra boost. You’ll wake up looking fabulous with glowing, healthy, plumped skin.
How does this mask do this? By using macro hyaluronic acid to plump and smooth and tapioca starch, for a visible tightening effect.
For younger, more dehydrated skins the [comfort zone] Hydramemory mask. This also can be left on overnight (if you wish) and will immediately enhance the hydration of your skin to leave it looking smoother and feeling softer.
What’s the secret to this mask? Moringa oil which is rich in omega 3,6 and 9 has a fantastic hydrating and antioxidant effect.
Want to start your mask journey with a facial in the salon? My Hydramemory Facial special will help with that! I’m offering this baby for just $99 in the month of January (that’s a $30 saving!) - Plus, you’ll also receive 2 luxury samples to help kick-start your skin new year resolutions too.
Skin Resolution Number 4: Slip, slop, slap
Despite the order of this resolution, SPF should be number 1 in your skincare routine.
You must wear sunscreen every single day, especially in summer. You may think you don’t go out in the sun – but do you hang washing on the line? Walk the dog? Drive your car? And do you know that the sun even penetrates through the clouds?
Living in Australia, we are all familiar with the ‘Slip, Slop, Slap’ slogan designed to remind us of the importance of sun protection but, other than it hurts when you’re burnt – do we really know why it’s so necessary?
Read more about why you need to slip, slop, slap.
At Beauty at Ab Fab, beauty in Maylands, we’re here to help you turn your New Year’s Resolutions into reality.
Contact us to find out more or book your beauty appointment in Maylands today.
[ comfort zone ]
Hydramemory Mask